
## Weigh 的用法全解析### 简介“Weigh” 是一个常用的英语动词,既可以表示“称重”,也可以表达“权衡”、“考虑”等含义。掌握其多种用法,才能更好地理解和运用英语。### 1. 称重


weigh something: 称某物的重量。

weigh in at/at...: 重量为...

weigh something out: 称出某物的重量。

weigh oneself: 称体重。


The doctor weighed the baby carefully.


The package weighed in at 10 pounds.

(包裹的重量为 10 磅。)

I weighed out 200 grams of flour.

(我称出了 200 克面粉。)

I weighed myself this morning and I've lost a couple of pounds.

(我今天早上称了体重,减掉了两磅。)### 2. 权衡


weigh something against something: 权衡某事与某事之间的利弊。

weigh the pros and cons: 权衡利弊。

weigh the options: 权衡选择。


He weighed the advantages of staying in the city against the disadvantages of living in the countryside.


She weighed the pros and cons before making a decision.


We need to weigh the options carefully before we choose a solution.

(在我们选择解决方案之前,需要仔细权衡各种选择。)### 3. 考虑


weigh something heavily: 认真考虑某事。

weigh on someone's mind: 困扰某人。

weigh the consequences: 考虑后果。


The decision weighed heavily on his mind.


He weighed the consequences of his actions before proceeding.


Her words weighed heavily on my mind.

(她的话让我沉思。)### 4. 其他用法

weigh anchor:

起锚 (航海)

weigh down (on something):

使沉重 (精神上或物理上)

weigh in (on something):

表达意见 (通常指参与辩论)### 总结“Weigh”是一个多义词,其具体含义需根据上下文来判断。掌握其不同的用法,可以帮助你更好地理解和使用英语。 希望这篇文章能帮助你更好地理解“weigh”的用法。

Weigh 的用法全解析

简介“Weigh” 是一个常用的英语动词,既可以表示“称重”,也可以表达“权衡”、“考虑”等含义。掌握其多种用法,才能更好地理解和运用英语。

1. 称重* **基本用法:** * weigh something: 称某物的重量。* weigh in at/at...: 重量为...* weigh something out: 称出某物的重量。* weigh oneself: 称体重。* **例句:*** **The doctor weighed the baby carefully.** (医生仔细地称了婴儿的体重。)* **The package weighed in at 10 pounds.** (包裹的重量为 10 磅。)* **I weighed out 200 grams of flour.** (我称出了 200 克面粉。)* **I weighed myself this morning and I've lost a couple of pounds.** (我今天早上称了体重,减掉了两磅。)

2. 权衡* **基本用法:** * weigh something against something: 权衡某事与某事之间的利弊。* weigh the pros and cons: 权衡利弊。* weigh the options: 权衡选择。* **例句:*** **He weighed the advantages of staying in the city against the disadvantages of living in the countryside.** (他权衡了留在城市的优势和住在乡村的劣势。)* **She weighed the pros and cons before making a decision.** (她在做决定之前权衡了利弊。)* **We need to weigh the options carefully before we choose a solution.** (在我们选择解决方案之前,需要仔细权衡各种选择。)

3. 考虑* **基本用法:** * weigh something heavily: 认真考虑某事。* weigh on someone's mind: 困扰某人。* weigh the consequences: 考虑后果。* **例句:*** **The decision weighed heavily on his mind.** (这个决定让他很苦恼。)* **He weighed the consequences of his actions before proceeding.** (他在采取行动之前考虑了后果。)* **Her words weighed heavily on my mind.** (她的话让我沉思。)

4. 其他用法* **weigh anchor:** 起锚 (航海) * **weigh down (on something):** 使沉重 (精神上或物理上) * **weigh in (on something):** 表达意见 (通常指参与辩论)

总结“Weigh”是一个多义词,其具体含义需根据上下文来判断。掌握其不同的用法,可以帮助你更好地理解和使用英语。 希望这篇文章能帮助你更好地理解“weigh”的用法。
